Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep of Romania & Belinda Bencic of Switzerland at the net after their quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Belinda Bencic of Switzerland in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Belinda Bencic of Switzerland in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Belinda Bencic of Switzerland in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Belinda Bencic of Switzerland in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Belinda Bencic of Switzerland in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Belinda Bencic of Switzerland in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Simona Halep Fans at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Martin Hromkovic, boyfriend of Belinda Bencic, in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Credit Foto: Jimmie48 Tennis Photography
Videoclip cu momentele importante ale partidei, la sfârşitul ştirii
Simona Halep a spus la conferinţa de presă care a urmat partidei din sferturile de finală ale WTA Premier 5 “Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships ”, printre altele:
Iau doar lucrurile pozitive. Am făcut meciuri excelente. Nivelul meu este bun. De asemenea, fizic sunt bine. Dar a trebuit să joc zi de zi şi asta nu e uşor.
Am fost obosită. După setul doi am început să am crampe musculare şi am transpirat mult. Ceva normal.
Nu am servit bine (13 duble greşeli, 8 aşi, 59% puncte câştigate cu primul serviciu, 32% cu al doilea, n.n.) din cauza tendonului lui Achile, pe care l-am simţit puţin şi în ultimul meci. Am avut crampe la piciorul stâng. Dar nimic grav, este doar oboseala.
Corpul a simţit oboseala şi chiar dacă nu am renunţat, am simţit că nu am suficiente resurse ca să câştig. Dar am jucat până la sfârşit.
Am încercat să rămân acolo, indiferent de rezultat.
Ea [Bencic] este agresivă. Loveşte foarte tare indiferent de zona în care o face şi asta te pune sub presiune.
Serveşte bine. Este o jucătoare completă şi este capabilă să joace un tenis bun.