Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh celebrates winning her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh celebrates winning her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh celebrates winning her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh celebrates winning her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh celebrates winning her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh talks to the media after making the semifinal at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Su-Wei Hsieh of Chinese Taipeh talks to the media after making the semifinal at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Karolina Plíšková of the Czech Republic in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Karolina Plíšková of the Czech Republic in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Karolina Plíšková of the Czech Republic in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Karolina Plíšková of the Czech Republic in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Karolina Plíšková of the Czech Republic in action during her quarter-final match at the 2019 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships WTA Premier 5 tennis tournament
Credit foto: Jimmie48 Tennis Photography
Su-Wei Hsieh (33 de ani) a câştigat astăzi, în sferturile de finală ale WTA Premier 5 “Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships ” al doilea meci la rând în faţa unei membre a top 10 WTA, după ce în optimi o elimina pe Angelique Kerber (7 WTA) [5] :
Su-Wei Hsieh (Taipei, 31 WTA) – Karolina Plíšková (Cehia, 5) [4] 6-4, 1-6, 7-5
Partida a durat 2h1′.
În setul decisiv, Karolina Plíšková a condus cu 5-1 – două break-uri înainte – dar obosită, spre sfârşit, extenuată, a cedat complet iniţiativa şi a pierdut următoarele 6 jocuri, nereuşind decât să se apropie la două puncte de victorie în primele 3 dintre ele.
La singura lor întâlnire de până acum, Premier Mandatory Miami 2018 (R32), Plíšková fusese cea care salvase 6 mingi de meci şi o învinsese pe Hsieh cu 6-4, 1-6, 7-6(4).
Su-Wei Hsieh , care a înregistrat a 5-a victorie a carierei la o jucătoare din top 10 WTA, s-a calificat în prima semifinală la un nivel superior celui WTA International şi o va întâlni în semifinale pe învingătoarea din partida Viktoria Kuzmova (Slovacia, 46) – Petra Kvitova (Cehia, 4) [2] , care va începe imediat.
Karolina Plíšková rămâne cu 5.145 de puncte în clasamentul live şi îşi păstrează locul 5, care îi este ameninţat doar de Elina Svitolina.